* June 1, 2006 (0.8)
Fixed the package some more...
Added the code to handle the proper CPU timing. On my Celeron, it
works great from 1Mhz to about 4Mhz. Over that, it doesn't really
run any faster. At 1Mhz, it uses about 10% of the processor. If
you have a dual processor, it should be better since there are
two threads.
Added the code to show the statistics and added two options to
clear the statistics. This is nice. You can see that 1 million
cycles go by each second at 1Mhz.
Added a missing image in the HTML images sub-directory (installation
purpose only.)
I marked the configure script as foreign since it is not a conventional
configure (as per GNU's definition).
The menus which have no action attached to them are greyed out now.
The About menu shows a window.
The refresh of the screen was modified to allow a user selection of
10, 20 or 30 Hz (i.e. number of refresh per seconds). At 30Hz, it can
kill your processor on heavilly changing monitors (video games would
do that...).
Added a directory basic-programs which includes small program samples
written in BASIC (Applesoft II).
You can now save a binary buffer from the computer RAM to a file on
your harddisk.
You can now load and save BASIC programs to files. The save is in
binary form, not ASCII.
* November 1, 2005 (0.7)
Fixed the package so that files are in a sub-directory.
Fixed the code to compile with gcc v4.0
* May 7, 2005 (0.6)
Added support for decimal ADC and SBC.
Added cycles for all the instructions.
Fixed the hires (x, y) coordinate computation.
Added the Load Binary File and made it functional.
* May 5, 2005 (0.5)
Added proper support to switch video modes. You can now check
out the text, lores and hires modes either via the menus or
via "regular Apple hardware" (programmatically).
The menu takes precedence in selecting the current video mode
so you can actually look at a specific video output mode while
a software is running in another.
* April 20, 2005 (0.4)
I found another bug in the 6502. The JSR/RTS don't use the PC
address right after the JSR. Instead it uses PC - 1. The BASIC
makes use of such addresses that it stacks using PHA and thus
it would crash because the return address was 1 byte off.
Now that BASIC works on my emulator, it is time to go further
and program the different video modes. More soon.
* April 19, 2005 (0.3)
I found the bug in the 6502. The PLA/PLX/PLY would not set the
Z and N flags. There is still a problem in the video though.
* April 18, 2005 (0.2)
Added support for video -- tested only the text 1st page so far it
seems to be working fine
Added support for the keyboard -- there are problems with fltk
(conflicts) which will be resolved later
Fixed the CMP, CPX and CPY instructions which would set the wrong
value in the carry.
Added a temporary "timer" so the processor emulator doesn't eat
100% of your current computer processor. Actually, it dropped down
to 0% on my system (Celeron @ 2.5Ghz)
* April 15, 2005 (0.1)
First release...