Welcome to Apple Emulator, a GPL project.
I finally spent a little time on this emulator to fix the
timing (CPU & screen refresh) and offer a few more
options in the menu (that is, a few more of the menu options
now work.) So you have more load/save features and the
statistics screen is also functional!
Now you can load & save:
- A Basic Program
- Memory to/from a Binary File
Sorry... no diskette yet!
The processor is a standalone C++ object that you can
use for other purposes than this Apple emulator.
It includes support for the 6502, 65C02 and 65C02S.
It now includes a cycle versus realtime loop. So whenever
the execution goes too fast, the loop will slow down the
system automatically.
Find the source files on SourceForge here:
June 24, 2006